What to avoid when you don’t get the job

By Heather Huhman Opening your email inbox to find a rejection letter is every job seeker’s nightmare. This can be especially frustrating after feeling like you nailed your interview. Many job seekers don’t even get to receive their rejection in the form of a concise email; it often comes in the form of silence. Of

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10 things that require zero talent

Yes, employers do characterize employees based on hard skills, however, it’s the soft skills and intangibles they always get asked about when someone calls them up for a reference about a job applicant. In fact, the majority of a reference phone call to one of your past employers is commonly heavily waited on conversation around

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Conservation Storytelling With Photography

Fantastic! Your organization has excellent photos on Instagram! Everyone is hitting the heart button to show their love. But is that enough? Probably not. You want people to do more than just heart your photos all day. The best conservation photos tell a story rather than just capture a scene. On Instagram, it’s easy to

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